Verified Institution

Sumo Logic


Observability and Sales Plays

This course will cover Sumo Observability, App Modernization, Application Observability, and Digital Customer Experience. The course will start with an introduction to observability and its benefits. Then, we will cover the various types of data that can be collected with Sumo Observability, how to collect and query this data, and how to use it to troubleshoot and improve your applications. Next, we will discuss application modernization, including how to migrate legacy applications to the cloud and how to modernize your application architecture. Finally, we will cover digital customer experience, including how to collect and analyze customer data, how to use this data to improve your customer experience, and how to troubleshoot customer issues. Pipeline and Deal Forecast Management with Clari: This section of the course will cover how to effectively manage your pipeline and deals using Clari. You will learn how to forecast your pipeline and deals, and how to use Clari to your advantage. Value-based Sales Methodology: In this section of the course, you will learn about value-based selling. You will learn how to identify the needs of your customers and how to sell them the value of your products and services. Demoing the Sumo Logic Products: In this section of the course, you will learn how to effectively demo the Sumo Logic products. You will learn about the features and benefits of the products, and you will also learn how to demo the products in a way that is engaging and informative. Negotiation Tactics: In this section of the course, you will learn about negotiation tactics. You will learn how to effectively negotiate with customers, and you will also learn about common negotiation mistakes. Presentation Skills: In this section of the course, you will learn about presentation skills. You will learn how to effectively present your products and services, and you will also learn about common presentation mistakes.

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Scrimmages and Role Plays for Systems Engineers

In this module, Sumo Logic systems engineers will demonstrate practical skills and competencies related to their role, including discover calls, demos, and simulated events. The course will conclude with a substantive review of the learner's approach and performance. Systems Engineer Discovery Call Role Play: In this course, systems engineers will learn how to communicate effectively with potential customers during discovery calls. They will role-play various scenarios in order to practice their skills. Additionally, they will receive feedback from their peers and instructors in order to improve their performance. Systems Engineer Demo Role Play: In this course, systems engineers will learn how to effectively demonstrate Sumo Logic's capabilities to potential customers. They will role-play various scenarios to practice their skills. Additionally, they will receive feedback from their peers and instructors to improve their performance. Systems Engineer Manager Security Scrimmage Review: In this course, systems engineer managers will review a security scrimmage. They will analyze the various scenarios played out and provide feedback to the systems engineers on their performance. Additionally, they will identify areas of improvement and offer suggestions on how to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Systems Engineer Manager Observability Scrimmage Review: In this course, systems engineer managers will review an observability scrimmage. They will analyze the various scenarios played out and provide feedback to the systems engineers on their performance. Additionally, they will identify areas of improvement and offer suggestions on how to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

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Systems Engineer Development

This course is designed to expose Sumo Logic systems engineers to sales fundamentals. This course will cover the following topics in detail: In this course, participants will learn about and how it can be used to improve sales productivity. Topics covered will include an overview of the interface, how to manage sales opportunities and accounts, and how to create and customize reports. Participants will also learn how to use to collaborate with colleagues and customers. Gong Overview: In this course, participants will learn about Gong, a powerful sales intelligence tool that provides real-time insights into customer interactions. Topics covered will include an overview of the Gong interface, how to use Gong to listen in on sales calls, and how to generate reports and analysis based on customer interactions. Participants will also learn how to use Gong to coach sales reps and improve sales productivity. Sumo Demo Environment: In this course, participants will learn about the Sumo Demo Environment, a powerful tool that allows sales reps to practice their pitches in a realistic sales environment. Topics covered will include an overview of the Sumo Demo Environment interface, how to create and customize demo scenarios, and how to use the Sumo Demo Environment to coach sales reps and improve sales productivity. Confluence/Wiki: In this course, participants will learn about Confluence, a powerful collaboration tool that allows teams to create and share documents, diagrams, and other information. Topics covered will include an overview of the Confluence interface, how to create and edit pages, how to add and manage attachments, and how to

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Security and Sales Plays for Systems Engineers

This course introduces Sumo Logic systems engineers to Cloud-native security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) capabilities and how they can be used to modernize security operations tools, cloud security monitoring, and analytics tools, and cloud security information and event management (SIEM) solutions. The course will cover the key features and benefits of Sumo Logic's SOAR platform, including: - orchestration and automation of security operations, - creation of modern user interfaces and dashboards, and - performing powerful search and analytics capabilities. The course will also include a demonstration of how Sumo Logic's SOAR platform can be used to detect and respond to security incidents in a cloud environment. Finally, the course will conclude with a security demo role play, in which participants will have the opportunity to use Sumo Logic's SOAR platform to detect and respond to a simulated security incident.

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Observability and Sales Plays for Systems Engineers

Sumo Logic's Internal Professional Development Course on Sumo Observability, Application Modernization, Application Observability, Digital Customer Experience, and Observability Discovery will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and implement Sumo Logic's Observability solutions in your organization. The course will cover the following topics: - Sumo Observability: Overview of Sumo Logic's Observability solutions and how they can help you modernize your applications and improve your digital customer experience. - Application Modernization: How to use Sumo Logic's Observability solutions to modernize your applications. - Application Observability: How to use Sumo Logic's Observability solutions to improve the observability of your applications. - Digital Customer Experience: How to use Sumo Logic's Observability solutions to improve your digital customer experience. - Observability Discovery: How to use Sumo Logic's Observability solutions to discover new insights into your applications and infrastructure. - Observability Demo: A live demo of Sumo Logic's Observability solutions.

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Sales Development Practices

This internal professional development course for Sumo Logic covers: Security Observability and Sales Plays, Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics Micro Play, Cloud SIEM Micro Play, Application Modernization, and Cloud SOAR Micro Play. The course will provide an overview of each of these topics, and then dive into more detail on how Sumo Logic can help with each one. The course will cover the following topics in detail: -Security Observability: This section of the course will cover what security observability is and why it is important. It will also cover the various ways that Sumo Logic can help with security observability, including its platform capabilities and integrations. -Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics Micro Play: This section of the course will cover Sumo Logic's capabilities in this area, including its cloud-native platform and integrations with popular cloud security solutions. -Cloud SIEM Micro Play: This section of the course will cover Sumo Logic's SIEM capabilities, including its cloud-native platform and integrations with popular SIEM solutions. -Application Modernization: This section of the course will cover how Sumo Logic can help with application modernization, including its platform capabilities and integrations. -Cloud SOAR Micro Play: This section of the course will cover Sumo Logic's capabilities in this area, including its cloud-native platform and integrations with popular cloud SOAR solutions.

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Sales Development Representative Tactics

This internal professional development course for Sumo Logic covers:, Lusha, Amber Video (Outreach), 6Sense, ZoomInfo, DataFox, Drift, Marketo, the Sumo Logic Academy (professional development and learning), Ideal Customer Profiles & Personas, Competitive Overview, Prospecting 101, and Marketing 101. The course will provide employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully sell and market Sumo Logic's products and services. The course will cover topics such as: how to use to manage customer relationships, how to use Lusha to find contact information for potential customers, how to use Amber Video to create outreach videos, how to use 6Sense to target potential customers, how to use ZoomInfo to research potential customers, how to use DataFox to find potential customers, how to use Drift to communicate with potential customers, how to use Marketo to create marketing campaigns, how to use the Sumo Logic Academy to learn about Sumo Logic's products and services, how to create ideal customer profiles and personas, how to understand Sumo Logic's competitive landscape, how to prospect for potential customers, and how to create effective marketing campaigns.

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Prospecting and Territory Planning

This course is designed to train Sumos on effectively leveraging,,, Oracle Marketing, the Sumo Prospecting Stack, and Prospecting 101 to increase their sales productivity. The course will cover the following topics: • (SFDC): An overview of and how it can be used to manage sales contacts, opportunities, and deals. • An overview of and how it can be used to find contact information for sales leads. • An overview of and how it can be used to conduct online meetings and demos. • Oracle Marketing (Data Fox): An overview of Oracle Marketing and how it can be used to create and manage marketing campaigns. • Sumo Prospecting Stack: An overview of the Sumo Prospecting Stack and how it can be used to automate sales prospecting. • Prospecting 101: A crash course on the basics of sales prospecting, including how to find and qualify leads.

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Capstone Role Plays

This course is designed to help Sumo Logic sales professionals improve their skills in cold calling, discovery calls, demos, and customer go-lives. The course will cover role-playing exercises for each of these areas, so that participants can practice and receive feedback in a safe and supportive environment. In the cold calling section, participants will learn how to make an effective introduction, ask probing questions, and overcome objections. They will also practice active listening and learn how to tailor their pitch to the needs of the customer. In the discovery call section, participants will learn how to ask questions that uncover the customer's real needs and pain points. They will also practice active listening and learn how to effectively use Sumo Logic's features and capabilities to address the customer's needs. In the demo section, participants will learn how to structure an effective demo that highlights the key features and benefits of Sumo Logic. They will also practice active listening and learn how to effectively answer questions from the customer. In the customer go-live section, participants will learn how to effectively prepare for and execute a customer go-live. They will also practice active listening and learn how to troubleshoot common issues that may arise during a go-live.

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Sales Development

This internal professional development course for Sumo Logic will cover the following topics: Pipeline and Deal Forecast Management with Clari, Value-based Sales Methodology, Demoing the Sumo Logic Products, Negotiation Tactics, and Presentation Skills. The course will be taught by experienced sales professionals and will cover the following topics in detail: Pipeline and Deal Forecast Management with Clari: This section of the course will cover how to effectively manage your pipeline and deals using Clari. You will learn how to forecast your pipeline and deals, and how to use Clari to your advantage. Value-based Sales Methodology: In this section of the course, you will learn about value-based selling. You will learn how to identify the needs of your customers and how to sell them the value of your products and services. Demoing the Sumo Logic Products: In this section of the course, you will learn how to effectively demo the Sumo Logic products. You will learn about the features and benefits of the products, and you will also learn how to demo the products in a way that is engaging and informative. Negotiation Tactics: In this section of the course, you will learn about negotiation tactics. You will learn how to effectively negotiate with customers, and you will also learn about common negotiation mistakes. Presentation Skills: In this section of the course, you will learn about presentation skills. You will learn how to effectively present your products and services, and you will also learn about common presentation mistakes.

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Sumo Foundations

This course is designed to give Sumo Logic employees an overview of the company journey, go-to-market vision, strategy, priorities, and financial compliance. The course will cover the following topics: - The Sumo Logic story: how the company started, our mission and values, and where we are today - Our go-to-market vision: how we position ourselves in the market and what our unique value proposition is - Our strategy: how we plan to grow the business and achieve our goals - Our priorities: what areas of the business we are focusing on in the short and long term - Financial compliance: an overview of the financial rules and regulations we need to follow as a public company

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Security and Sales Plays

This internal professional development course for Sumo Logic will cover SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) and Modernize Security Operations. The course will also cover Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics, and Cloud SEIM (Security Event and Incident Management). The course will provide an overview of each topic, and then delve into the details of each. The course will cover the following topics in detail: SOAR: -What is SOAR? -The benefits of SOAR -How to implement SOAR -The challenges of SOAR -SOAR use cases Modernize Security Operations: -What are the challenges of modern security operations? -How can SOAR help modernize security operations? -The benefits of modernizing security operations -How to implement SOAR in security operations -SOAR use cases in security operations Cloud Security Monitoring and Analytics: -What are the challenges of cloud security monitoring and analytics? -How can SOAR help with cloud security monitoring and analytics? -The benefits of using SOAR for cloud security monitoring and analytics -How to implement SOAR in cloud security monitoring and analytics -SOAR use cases in cloud security monitoring and analytics Cloud SEIM: -What is cloud SEIM? -The benefits of cloud SEIM -How to implement cloud SEIM -The challenges of cloud SEIM -Cloud SEIM use cases

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Sales Fundamentals

This course is designed for Sumo Logic sales professionals and will cover the following topics: 1. Go to market Organization Overview - This section will provide an overview of Sumo Logic's go to market organization, including the various sales teams and their roles and responsibilities. 2. Sales Process - This section will cover Sumo Logic's sales process, including the steps involved in prospecting, qualifying, and closing deals. 3. Customer Cadence Call - This section will introduce Sumo Logic's customer cadence call process, which is used to keep customers engaged and updated on their account status. 4. Offers and Pricing - This section will cover Sumo Logic's offers and pricing, including the various discount tiers and how to configure pricing for specific deals. 5. Intro to Configure Price and Quote - This section will provide an introduction to Sumo Logic's Configure Price and Quote tool, which is used to generate quotes for customers.

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Systems Engineer Sales Fundamentals

This course is designed to give Sumo Logic systems engineers a comprehensive overview of our GTM organization, sales process, offers and pricing (including data tiering and credits), intro to Value Drivers (BVO and BVA), Sales Incentive Plan (SIP), partner landscape, partner development and enablement, competitive landscape, and Sumo Logic differentiators. This course will cover the following topics in detail: GTM Org 101: Sumo Logic's go-to-market strategy including market segments, target customers, and sales channels. Sales Process Overview: This section will provide an overview of our sales process, including our offers and pricing (including data tiering and credits), intro to Value Drivers (BVO and BVA), Sales Incentive Plan (SIP), partner landscape, partner development and enablement, competitive landscape, and Sumo Logic differentiators. Offers and Pricing (Including Data Tiering and Credits): This section will provide an overview of our offers and pricing (including data tiering and credits), intro to Value Drivers (BVO and BVA), Sales Incentive Plan (SIP), partner landscape, partner development and enablement, competitive landscape, and Sumo Logic differentiators. Intro to Value Drivers: This section will provide an introduction to our Value Drivers (BVO and BVA), including an overview of how they work and how they can help you sell Sumo Logic. Sales Incentive Plan (SIP): This section will provide an overview of our Sales Incentive Plan (SIP), including how it works and how it can help you sell Sumo Logic. Partner Landscape: This section will provide an overview of our partner landscape, including our partner development and enablement programs. Partner Development and Enablement: This section will provide an overview of our partner development and enablement programs, including how they can help you sell Sumo Logic. Competitive Landscape: This section will provide an overview of our competitive landscape, including how we stack up against the com

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